
How much English do you know? (Part 1)

Try these first...


So cool!!!


WordChamp is a free online vocabulary building and reading tool. You can use WordChamp to:

  • read web pages and get translations of unknown words
  • read text that you copy and paste into the WordChamp web reader page
  • quiz yourself with customized vocabulary flashcards
  • look up verb conjugations

One of the great features about WordChamp is that it's completely online, meaning you can use it from any computer. There is no software to download or install. Anybody can use it for the basic features, but to save vocabulary lists, hear pronunciations, or access assignments your instructor has set up, you'll need to create a free account.

Get online with English Gateway!!!!!


English Gateway is a new site which proposes online vocabulary topics designed for intermediate and advanced ESL learners. The vocabulary topics are based on contemporary readings written by Canadian authors and naturally expose the learners to the idiomatic language in a variety of contexts. Carefully selected exercises further reinforce the new language and develop reading and listening skills. Cultural notes are integrated into each topic. The site also features free exercises and online community. You have to pay for the topics ($15) but there is one free sample topic available.


PESSA coming soon!

Hello guys!! i'm just trying to make something different in here so please do not get anxious cuz what's coming is huge!!! just trying to make the difference... it takes time!! be cool!


The boss

Easy Easy!!! still working on it!!! no complot!!!! It takes time dudes!!! lol